How To Hack A School Computer Mac

The reason most hackers would bother poking at a schoolis computer is to change bad grades to good ones, or perhaps just for the malicious heck of it. Reid Ellisonis reasons for sneaking into his high schoolis computer was not so mundane, but while he was there he did go ahead and change his grade, from an A+ to a D+ just for kicks. What else can you do when you are a 4.0 student?

  1. Feb 01, 2018  How to get admin password on a school or work mac Klson Bob. 4 Computer Spy Hacks YOU CAN DO. How to get administrator privileges on school or work computers.
  2. Oct 19, 2009  “This is a tutorial mainly for the people at my school who wish to modify their macbooks, leased by the school. These computers are protected by the firmware password. This prevents you from booting up into Single User Mode, Verbose Mode, Safe Mode, Target Disk mode, and boot off of an external hard drive or network.
  3. Apr 23, 2010  Why do you Want to Hack School Computers? Before going to the actual matter related to the school computers first come to the point that why do you want to hack your school computers.I don’t know why? But I am giving you the common idea i.e what are the common goals that is directly or indirectly associated with the hacking of school compuetrs(I am trying to focus on some simple.

According to a CNN article titled, Student gets iAi for hacking school computer, Mr. Ellisonis hacking expedition was blessed by his school because he chose to do it to fulfill one of six assignments seniors must complete in order to graduate, and he says it was a breeze to do. From the article:

Hack school computer administration

The hacking project, which was sanctioned by the school, left administrators so impressed they gave him a perfect score. The school is now working on fixing the security holes.

'Iim helping them with it,' said Reid, whois been tinkering with computers since he was in second grade and wants to be an engineer. 'I basically came up with three pages to improve the security of the network in general.'

Reidis project was part of Anzaris 'exhibition' requirement. To graduate, each student must complete six exhibitions -- written and oral presentations in history, science, math and language arts.


How To: Protect Yourself from macOS High Sierra's Glaring Empty-Password Security Flaw. By Justin Meyers; Mac Tips; There's a new macOS vulnerability that hackers within physical reach of your computer can use to gain root access to your system and accounts.

It took three hacking programs less than a second -- 200 milliseconds to be exact -- to find the password to the schoolis computer, Reid said. It was the school secretaryis name: Silvia.

Hack School Computer Administration

The school has since changed the password and Reid doesnit know it, but that doesnit stop the jokes from students asking their classmate for hacking help.

How To Hack A School Macbook Air

Itis an interesting story made more interesting for Mac users by the picture that accompanies the CNN story; it shows Reid Ellison sitting in front of a Power Mac G4. Check it out. For those keeping score at home, Mr. Ellison did change his grade back to its 4.0 status before ending his project.