How To Start Hacking Using A Mac

Aug 22, 2016 According to hackers, it is easier to hack mac in comparison to PC. There are lots of mac terminal hack commands with the help of which hackers entered into your computer. But you can also use a command line to determine whether your Mac has been used without your authorization. Step 1: Login into your Mac OS notebook using for the regular account. So for all of your forgotten about Mac-using hackers out there, my first series of how-tos is for you, and will help you overcome the first hurdle—setting up a hacking environment. Once that environment is established, pulling down tools and using them is a piece of cake. Dec 12, 2016 Here are the top 5 hacking tools that are used by Hackers. These tools are available for Windows, Mac Os, and Linux. This is Teja! In this video, I will be showing the top 5 hacking tools. Dec 12, 2016  Here are the top 5 hacking tools that are used by Hackers. These tools are available for Windows, Mac Os, and Linux. This is Teja! In this video, I will be showing the top 5 hacking. Discover weaknesses in websites using own vulnerability scanner. Programs you'll build in this course: You'll learn all the above by implementing the following hacking programs. Macchanger - changes MAC Address to anything we want. Networkscanner - scans network and discovers the IP and MAC address of all connected clients.

  1. How To Start Hacking Using A Macbook Pro
  2. How To Start Hacking Using A Mac Account
  3. How To Start Hacking For Beginners

Hello friends, In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to hack wifi. Many of my friends were asking me to write a tutorial on hacking wifi, so here it is.

You probably want to hack wifi because you want to enjoy free Internet.

For me, this was my only motivation to hack into someone’s wifi. This was the only reason for me at least.

I don’t know about you… but I guess you too want to enjoy free Internet.

So… here is the guide which will show you how to hack wifi step by step. I wrote this tutorial in such a way that every beginner will easily be able to crack any wifi. This is a step by step approach into hacking wifi.

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In this tutorial I’mg going to use the hackers OS.

Yes… the hackers OS which is Kali Linux.

I’m quite sure that you already know about Kali Linux and what it is used for. It is the most used hacking Operating System. The other one is Parrot OS. Which is also quite popular.

Also as a side note, I have written a tutorial on how to install parrot os, you can read it if you want to.

But for this tutorial, I’m going to use Kali Linux for wifi hacking. I’m running a live version of kali which is very cool.

Just in case you don’t know, live version means you are directly running the OS without having to install it on your disk.

Now, let us have a look at the types of WiFi Networks that you can find in your neighborhood.

1. Open Networks (You gotta be kidding me)

These types of networks don’t have any password to them. Anybody can connect to wifi a network that is open. I’m pretty much sure that nowadays you won’t find any wireless network with an open router configuration. If you have found one then you are very lucky.

2. Mac Filtered (Ummm… Not so secure)

Some people use mac filtering for their wifi security. In this type of wifi security, a person uses a whitelist to allow some devices, based on mac address to connect. Or a person can use a blacklist to block specific mac addresses that are not able to connect to the wireless network. This type of security is very easy to set up and does not requires much effort.

3. WEP (Easily hackable)

The WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy. Wifi networks using WEP security are the easiest target for hackers because it has many vulnerabilities. So if you see a wifi network that is based on WEP security that you can easily hack that network. This security standard is not used by routers anymore. In the modern wireless routers, you won’t be able to find WEP option.

4. WPA (This person knows something about security)

This is the next version of WEP security. It stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access. It is somewhat better than WEP but not completely secure.

5. WPA2 (Pretty secure)

The WPA2 is very secure and can’t be hacked easily. Wifi networks using WPA2 security are considered as secure. But you surely can hack a WPA2 enabled wifi network but it will require more time.

READ: How To Hack Instagram

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How To Hack WiFi Passwords WPA & WPA2

Anyways, enough talking let’s jump right into hacking wifi networks.

But before you go ahead and hack your neighbor’s wifi, let me warn you! And here is a quick disclaimer for you.

Please don’t hack someone’s wifi in order to do some shady stuff. Don’t harm anyone. Also, I’m not liable for anything you do with this information.

So let’s start.

Now, if you want to hack wifi, you first need to discover all wifi networks around you. You’ll also need to get the information about the wifi networks that are within your wireless card range.

Of course, you can have a look at all the wireless networks by clicking on the connect wifi icon.

But this is not much help. You need to gather more information about the wireless network that you want to hack.

So, to do this you’ll need to change your wifi card to monitor mode. By default, it is in managed mode.

It is not a complex process, just follow the following simple steps:

Step 1: Find your wireless card name.


Simply run the command–iwconfig wlan0

You can see that the mine wireless card is named wlan0 and it is running in managed mode. To find your wireless card name simply run the command–iwconfig

Step 2: Run the following series of commands.

Also remember, if you are running these commands and not seeing any error then the commands are executing successfully.

Don’t think that if you are not getting any output, then the commands are not executing.

ifconfig wlan0 down

This command will turn off your wireless card. You need to run this command to make sure, you don’t have any error while trying to change the wifi card to monitor mode. Once you have turned off your wifi card run the next command.

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

Now, this is the command which will turn the mode of your wireless card to monitor mode.

ifconfig wlan0 up

Once you have changed the mode to monitor mode, you’ll need to turn on the wifi card.

That’s it, now you are in monitor mode and you can easily sniff packets from the wireless networks around you.

Just to make sure, perform the optional step 3.

Step 3: Check if you are in monitor mode.

Again run the command–iwconfig wlan0 and check the mode part. If it’s written monitor in front of it, you are good to go.

Run the command–airodump-ng wlan0 to see all the wifi networks around you.

Now, you’ll be able to see all the networks within your wifi range. You are able to see these network only because you’ve turned the wifi to monitor mode.

Now, you have successfully discovered information about the wireless networks around you. Let’s move onto the real stuff now.

In this wifi hacking tutorial, our primary focus is on hacking WPA and wpa2 wifi networks.

Because these are the two widely used wifi encryption techniques, the focus of this tutorial will also be on these encryption types. Since these are the most used encryption techniques, you’ll be able to hack the majority of wifi networks around you.

So to hack WPA and wpa2 wifi networks, you need to capture a handshake packet from the wifi network that you are trying to hack.

Think a handshake packet like a request which is sent to the wireless router every time a new client connects to it. This client needs to have all the credentials like a password in order to connect to the router.

So our first step is to capture the handshake packet. But remember, we can only capture this handshake only when a new client connects to the router.

Step 1: Capture the handshake packet.

So let’s first have a look at all the networks available.

Simply type airodump-ng wlan0

Now it will list all the wifi networks within your wifi card range. You can see I have only one access point available within my wireless card range.

  • The first column BSSID is the MAC address of the access point (means our router).
  • CH stands for the channel, it is the channel which the router is using to transfer the signals.
  • ENC stands for encryption and it tells the type of encryption a router is using. In my case, it is WPA encryption.
  • At last ESSID is the actual name of the wifi network.

So now you have some understanding of a few of the important columns. Let’s work now to hack this wifi network.

Run the above command and look for the wifi network which you are trying to hack.

So here, I’ve set up a network named This access point is going to be my target. You find your’s and follow each of the steps that I implement on this wifi network.

First, I will gather more information about this single wifi network, I will use the following command–

airodump-ng –bssid [bssid] –channel [channel] –write [filename] [interface]

This command will look like this in my situation:

The final command in your situation will be different. So make sure you run the command by supplying it the correct information. Otherwise, it will not work.

So once running this command, I’ll have all the details of this wifi network.

As you can see, there are two blocks in the image above. The first is listing all the information about the wifi network that I selected above.


…the second block here is giving information about the devices that are connected to selected wifi network.


…you can see, only one device is connected to this wifi network. Also, keep in mind I’m doing all this to capture the handshake. You also need to capture the handshake packet in your case.

But remember, what I said earlier…

…we can only capture a handshake only when a new device connects to the network.

Now you might be thinking that I’ll have to wait for a new device to connect to the network in order to get the handshake packet.

But, I got a little trick. I can disconnect this connected device from the wifi network using a simple command. Once the device is disconnected it will automatically try to connect to the network again. That is when a handshake packet will be captured.


I’ll simply run the command–

aireplay-ng –deauth [no. of packets] –a [MAC address of router] –c [MAC address of the device connected to the wifi]

The command will look like this:

Now, once I run the command the aireplay-ng program will send 4 deauthentication packets to the client device. This will make the client disconnect and reconnect to the wifi network and boom… I have now got the handshake packet.

A huge chunk of work is done now.

Step 2: Create a wordlist file

The next step is to create a wordlist file. The wordlist file will be used in the next step to crack the WPA password.

With crunch, we will create all the combinations of the letters that we think is in the wifi password.

For example, let’s say I know that this wifi network has a password which contains characters abc12345, but don’t know in which order. Also, I know the password is 8 characters long.

Now, one way is that I can try all the possible combination of these characters to connect to the wifi network.

The other way is that I’ll use the crunch utility to create all the possible combinations of these characters which have a length of 8. I’ll use this list against the handshake packet that I captured earlier.

I hope, you got the idea why we are using the crunch software.

Here is the basic syntax of the crunch that we are going to use:

crunch [min] [max] [characterset] -o [output filename]

Now I’ll create a wordlist file which has characters abc12345. The min and maximum length of the password will be 8 which will be stored in a file name my-wordlist in my case.

You can name it anything.

Once the wordlist is ready. We just need to crack the wifi password.

Step 3: Actually hacking the WiFi

We’ll use aircrack-ng to hack the wifi password.

Here is the syntax of the aircrack-ng command–

aircrack-ng [handshake-file] -w [wordlist]

In my case the command will look like this:

After supplying the handshake file and the wordlist file to the command hit enter, it will start the cracking process.

The aircrack-ng uses a special technique to check each wifi password stored in the wordlist file against the captured handshake. Once a match is found it will tell you the wifi key which can be used to connect to the network.

Now, we have successfully hacked the wifi network. The key found is abc12345, which is correct. Once you have found the key for your desired WiFi network, you can use to connect to it.

Rundown: How To Hack WiFi Passwords WPA & WPA2

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So this was all about how to hack wifi using Kali Linux. As you can see the process of hacking wifi is very simple. You just have to follow some series of commands to hack any wifi network.

With the method above you can hack any WiFi network of encryption type WPA or WPA2. In the coming days I’ll be updating this post regularly to give you more methods on hacking wifi, so make sure you bookmark this page.

I hope this post was helpful for you!

If you have any doubts and queries, please leave a comment below. /how-to-hack-facebook-on-mac.html. I’ll love to hear from you!

You must be looking for an Instagram hack solution for you, If yes then you knocked the right door. At HackingSpy we provide one of the best solutions to hack Instagram account for free.

As you know Instagram is the world’s most popular photo-sharing website nowadays. Do you know? This has almost all features of a social network like chat, call, video call, and others. So you must be thinking of an easy way to Hack Instagram.

Simply follow the whole process that is described on this page and you will achieve your goal today.

It has high-security layers on its server but our hackers worked hard and found some vulnerability and managed to crack the server security.

Because this has all the social network feature then you can be cheated via Insta as well.

Quick Hacks: If you already hacked the Facebook account using our Facebook hacking service than you can use that account to log in to Instagram because most of the people connect their insta with FB.

How to Hack Instagram?

Contents of Page

  • 1 How to Hack Instagram?
  • 2 How to hack someone’s Instagram Easily without any surveys?
  • 3 How to hack Instagram with Software or Program?

So you must be thinking that your partner is cheating on you or maybe you are a parent and thinking that your kids are not safe.

You can use this online Instagram hack Tool and hack their account without the consent of users and check out what they are doing with their Insta account.

You can also recover your old account by using this method, provided that your account is not suspended.
Check out the step by step process to learn how to hack Instagram account with our online hacking service.

Total Time:3 minutes

  1. Find the Instagram username

    To get started with this Instagram hacking process you just need to find the username of the target that you want to hack. You can get the username just by visiting their profile on App or on Web.

    If you visit the website then, here myaccount will be your username. Copy that username on the clipboard.
    You don’t need the email address or of the contact number of the person to start the hacker.

  2. Paste the Username and start hacker

    Paste the copied username into the specific field and enter the profile name as well into the specific field and click on the start hacking process.

    Access Here

  3. Let the Hacker complete the process

    Let the Hacker complete the process of hacking Instagram. After clicking on the start hacking process, our online script will run and attempt to hack the account multiple times. We suggest you complete the task first before click on the get your files.

  4. Download Files

    Once the hacker completes the process. Now you can download the spy files.
    Please don’t click on the Get Your Files before the hacker complete the process. If you do so the hacker will give you a self-generated error file.

  5. Log in to the Account

    Now you have the login details of the account. Simply visit the online website or download the Instagram App and login to your victim’s account.

    Now you can see all the Instagram stories and Instagram followers and media shared via chat of the target.
    Our hacker works for all Android and iOs Phones as well as on the Mac and Windows operating system.

How to hack someone’s Instagram Easily without any surveys?

We know that nobody wants to complete long surveys. So we are here for you with some working methods to hack Instagram account and password without any surveys in the process.

We are listing some Paid as well as free methods to spy Instagram without any surveys. So check out and select the process that works best for you.

How To Start Hacking Using A Macbook Pro

Hack Instagram with browser

Do you know your web browser saves all the passwords and IDs with your permission? You may notice when you try to login to any website there is a dialogue box prompted asking you to save your login details.

If you click on yes, then the browser will save your data otherwise it will not save your details. So we will be going to use this feature to hack Instagram Account. Follow the below process to hack insta with browser.

  • Hack Instagram with Google Chrome: Chrome is one of the most used web browsers in the world. This browser also offers to save you the details. So to spy on the insta details follow the below path.
    Chrome>>Settings>>Advanced Settings>>Security and Password>>Manage Password
    Now Click on Show Instagram password for Instagram.
  • Hack with firefox and safari: Almost every browser has the same options and feature but we think you should know the syntax for some famous browser. So if you are using the Firefox or safari then follow the below path to hack insta account.
    Firefox>> Security Settings>> Saved Credential

Spy Instagram with a spy app

This is our second highly recommended method to hack Instagram account easily. Although this is a paid method, this is 100% worth it. You can Spy Facebook, WhatsApp, and other instant messengers as well.

Hack Instagram with spy apps is one of the best ways to hack an Instagram, you can check all the activities of the victim, like location, call record, and other many functions. You can read more about it on mSpy Review. Check out the step by step guide

  • Get a Spy App: First of all, get a spy application from a trusted developer. We suggest you go with mSpy.
  • Log in to the Web Portal: Once you purchased the app you will get an ID, Password for access to the Web Portal of the mSpy App.
  • Install the Spy App: Download the Spy app from the web portal and install it on the target device. You can do this by physically accessing the website.
  • Check the target’s Activities: Now login to the mSpy control panel and check all the activities of the target. Simply select Instagram to spy on account.

Hack with Xploits

Can you differentiate twins? No, Just like that Xploits is a page that just looks like the original Instagram login page.

We will use this Instagram hack tool to hack accounts.

This method is a little bit technical. So you need to have a little bit of knowledge of coding or HTML. Follow the below steps to make a clone page of the Instagram login page.

  • Make an Xploits Page: This is the most technical step in this process. Simply make a Clone page of the Insta login page.
  • Send this Clone page to Target: Now the tricky part comes in the picture. Now you have to send that clone page to your target and make them log in to that page.
    Please redirect the Xploits page to the original login page so your target will not get he/she is being hacked.
  • Get the Login Details: Once the target login on your Xploit page, you will get an ID and the Password on your hosting.

How to hack Instagram with Software or Program?

Do you want to hack an account with some software or program? If yes then check out this post below and get the best program for you.

Hack With Keylogger

Keylogger is a program that is made to record the keystroke on the device. You can use this software to hack into the Instagram account of anyone. This is a paid method so you need to spend some money to get a good keylogger like FlexiSpy.
Have a look below on a detailed procedure for keylogger

  • Purchase a Keylogger: First of all, purchase a keylogger according to your needs. We recommend using the FlexiSpy.
  • Install the keylogger: Once you purchased the keylogging software, its time to install this on the target device.
  • Record the keystroke: The keylogger will start recording the keystrokes on the target device.
  • Extract the user password: Now, extract the password from the keystrokes.

If you want a conclusion then we highly recommend you use our Online hacking service or use the mSpy app for hacking purposes.

This tool is made for fair usage only. Please don’t use this tool for a bad purpose.

We hope that you found the answer to your question about how to hack someone’s Instagram? in this post. So share this post with your friends and we will keep sharing the best Instagram tips on this page.

How to hack Instagram account?

Hacking insta is very easy with our online hacking service called hackingspy. If you are new you can use online hacker or you can use any spy apps to hack into instgram account.

Is it possible to hack Instagram?

How To Start Hacking Using A Mac Account

Yes, definitely it is possible to hack instagram account with our online hacking service. You can use HackingSpy service for this task or you can use spy or keylogging softwares like mSpy for this task.

How To Start Hacking For Beginners

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