Signs Your Mac Is Hacked

Aug 15, 2017  10 EASY Ways to Know if Your Computer is Being HACKED Submit your Top 10 Ideas Here: Tweet me if you use my code! 15 Clear Signs Your Phone Was Hacked - Duration: 11:38. On Windows machines, for instance, Task Manager is a utility included in Windows that shows you what programs are running on your computer. On a Mac you can find this in Activity Monitor. 6: Mass emails sent from your email account. Have you ever received an odd email from a friend that made you suspect someone hacked into their email account? Jul 26, 2019  Wipe the machine and restore data from backups. You should also keep your most critical info in something like Dropbox, which lets you roll back any changes for a long window period. You Can’t Log In. One of the first signs that you’ve been hacked is when your credentials for an account refuse to.

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  1. The signs of your computer or identity being hacked are often apparent, such as a menacing pop-up screen notifying you that all your critical files have been encrypted and a ransom is demanded to unencrypt them. Other times, though, the signs are subtle and not easily recognizable to the average user.
  2. Here Are Signs You Might Have Been Hacked. Hackers don't typically tell their victims that they've been hacked. Most of the time, when hackers gain entry to computers to do their dirty work, they don't want anyone to know. That way, they can come back another time to see what else they can do or find.
  3. The reason should be fairly obvious: if there is malware on your Mac, it may have intercepted keystrokes or copied files, and it may be able to do so again unless proper protections are in place. There’s a lot to do if you get hacked. But if you haven’t been hacked, you can learn a lot from these eight steps.

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Computer viruses are an ongoing and evolving threat. Millions of computers in the U.S. are infected with malicious software – also known as malware – and new viruses surface regularly. And it’s possible for malicious software to infect your computer or device without you knowing.

But how can you tell if you’ve been a victim of a malware attack? There are several telltale signs your device may have a virus. We’ll share those red flags and outline steps you can take to get rid of the virus, and provide some tips to help protect your connected devices in the future.

How to tell if your computer has a virus

A computer virus is a type of malware that infiltrates a computer and its programs. It’s similar to the way the flu infects your body’s immune system and multiplies. Viruses can be installed on your computer without your knowledge or consent, and can insert new, malicious code that can monitor and manipulate your online activity.

Some malware may not seem serious, but they coud lead to more damaging problems. For example, criminals could use a virus to access to your personal information which could enable them to commit identity theft and other types of fraud.

You may be thinking you couldn’t possibly be affected. Or perhaps you’re wondering how bad a malware infection could be. The answer? Quite bad. For example, the MyDoom virus, discovered in 2004, is considered the most damaging virus ever released. Not only was MyDoom the fastest-spreading email-based worm, but it caused $38 billion in damage.


Ransomware is a another kind of virus that poses a threat. Ransomware entices its victims to click on a legitimate-looking link in an email that contains malicious code. The malware then prevents you from accessing your data by encrypting it. It holds that data hostage until you pay a ransom.

One example of ransomware was the destructive WannaCry virus of 2017, which targeted systems running Windows OS. Victims were asked to pay ransom in anonymous payment systems such as Bitcoin in order to retrieve their data. Keep in mind, even if you pay, you may not get your data back. That’s one reason why it’s recommended you shouldn’t pay the ransom.

Computer virus warning signs

Computer viruses are about as diverse as computer users. There could be thousands of new viruses and malware attacks each year and they can affect devices and operating systems in many different ways. But several virus warning signs tend to be similar across the board. Here’s how to tell if your computer may have been infected with a virus.

1: Major slow down of your computer’s performance

Are your files and apps taking a long time to load? Is your computer taking a longer time to start and runs slowly once it does? If so, it’s possible a virus is infiltrating your operating system.

2: Endless pop-ups and spam

Frequent and odd pop-up windows are a red flag. Pop-ups might prompt you to visit other websites to download antivirus or other software programs, which instead may install malware. Malicious pop-ups and spam could also secretly install spyware that could hijack your browser or steal your passwords and other personal information without your knowledge. When you finally catch on, it might be too late.

3: You’re locked out of certain settings, files, folders or your entire computer

If you’re unable to gain access to settings and files on your own computer — or you can’t log on or off — malware has likely taken over.

4: Changes to your homepage

Is your homepage randomly switching to another website? Are you unable to reset it? If so, you likely have a virus. Viruses can implement changes to your homepage and create error messages, browser errors and shortcut files.

5: Unknown programs start when you turn on your computer

Computer viruses can create widespread problems. Adding icons and toolbars that you didn’t set up is just the tip of the iceberg. If unknown programs load when you turn on your computer or other connected device, turn it right off again. You’ve been infiltrated.

There are different ways to find out what programs are running on your computer. On Windows machines, for instance, Task Manager is a utility included in Windows that shows you what programs are running on your computer. On a Mac you can find this in Activity Monitor.

6: Mass emails sent from your email account

Have you ever received an odd email from a friend that made you suspect someone hacked into their email account? Or you see people on Facebook and other social media platforms tell everyone they’ve been hacked and not to accept friend requests? If your email’s ‘Sent Items’ folder contains messages you didn’t send, your social media accounts have posts you didn’t make, or you can’t log into your email or social media accounts, your email and other accounts most likely have been compromised.

7: Your security software has been disabled

If your antivirus program or security software has stopped working and you didn’t disable it, it’s possible that malware has taken over.

8: Your battery drains quickly

Here’s another sign that a virus may have infected your computer and is multiplying: a drained battery. As the virus continues to multiply, it uses resources from your computer and creates more activity on your computer. As a result, your battery life is diminished.

9: Frequent crashes

Does your computer randomly crash on you? Does your screen freeze and become the infamous “Blue Screen of Death”? This is a could be a sign that your device has been infected with a virus.

What to do if your computer has a virus

You can take several steps if you suspect your computer has been infected. To start, you could get rid of the virus manually yourself. You likely will need to do a web search and perform a long list of steps to find out what’s really going on. Unless you’re an expert, it can be complicated.

A simpler approach is to install an antivirus software program from a reliable company. You can let the professionals do it for you to ensure you’re not leaving your computer open to any vulnerabilities. An antivirus program, also known as security software, may also scan your external hard drive when it’s plugged in, but keep in mind not every program checks the hard disk.

But when you do this, be sure you aren’t buying a program in response to an unexpected call or message. This could be a trick to download more malware.

Instead, go to a secure website that you trust. For example, a reliable security software is Norton Security, which can remove many viruses and help protect your Windows PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices against future infiltrations. Norton recommends a three-step virus clean-up plan:

Step 1: Run a security scan

You can start by running a free Norton Security Scan to check for viruses and malware.

Step 2: Remove existing viruses

You can then remove existing viruses and malware with Norton Power Eraser. It will perform a scan and give you onscreen instructions. If needed, you can call Norton for technical assistance. After following the instructions, restart your computer.

Step 3: Update security system

The most important thing you can do to help protect your devices against viruses and threats is to make sure your computer’s software is updated with the latest protections. When you’re notified of a Windows update or web browser update, for instance, it’s a good idea to install the latest version right away.

Then set your security software, web browser and operating system (such as Windows or Mac OS) to update automatically. This helps keep your operating system up-to-date and ready to detect and handle the latest viruses.

Once you’ve updated your software and secured your device with security software, there are simple and practical steps you can take to protect yourself, including these.

  • Reset the passwords to all of your accounts — and make sure they’re strong by including upper and lowercase letters along with numbers and symbols. Each account should also have its own unique password. A password manager can help you track and manage multiple passwords.
  • Use a pop-up blocker and be sure not to click on any unknown links or attachments.
  • Only download from sites you trust. Never download free, software onto your computer, because it may be malware in disguise.

The bottom line? Don’t make it easy for cyberthieves to infiltrate your computer. Instead, keep an eye on your computer activity, be cautious about your own activity, and ensure you’ve updated your antivirus software and operating system with the latest protections.

It’s like wearing a mask or washing your hands during cold and flu season. Viruses may float around, but you’ll be helping to protect your system so they have a lesser chance of infecting you.

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Do you think that your Mac was hacked? Do you feel that someone or something is spying on you when you are watching YouTube, or when your Mac is left unattended at home?

There are many ways how a human or a program can get on your computer and do harm to you and your privacy:

  • It could be a spyware, a malicious hacker, or someone you know, such as a parent, a spouse, a friend.
  • They can access your photos, videos, and emails
  • They can take embarrassing pictures of you using a webcam
  • They can listen and record your conversations
  • They can monitor your browsing history
  • They can use your computer to mine Bitcoins
  • They can encrypt everything on your disk and then ask for a ransom

Computers have never been safe, and now when we rely so much on them, it is extremely important to protect ourselves from malicious actors.

This topic is too broad to fit into one blog post, so I am writing mini-series, which will help you to minimize the impact and secure your Mac.

Signs That Your Mac Was hacked

If you are reading this post, chances are you noticed something unusual is happening on your Mac. Sometimes you have a hunch, but you can’t explain it. However, most of those signs can be explained by reasons other than malware or hackers. So, let’s review the major signs.

Mac suddenly became slow for no apparent reasons

I’ve been developing commercial software for more than twenty years. There were many times when I received a call from the customer complaining that their computers, servers, programs are slow.

Every time I am getting a call, the first thing I ask if they did something before they noticed the problem. Do you know how many times they admitted that they changed something? You guessed it, zero. How many times did customers cause the problem? Almost always.

Following are some of the reasons why Mac can be slow:

  • There is a virus or other malware
  • Not enough disk space on Mac
  • New OS was installed
  • Hardware failure

Mac is using more Internet than usual

This one is harder to detect now than before. We used to have limits on how much Internet bandwidth we could use. Today, when many people have unlimited data with cable, you may not even know that something is happening.

However, if you are on a limited plan, and you see a significant increase in data consumption (more than 25% more), it’s time to investigate.

The reasons could be the following:

  • Your Mac is being used as a bot by hackers
  • There is a virus or other malware
  • Your little one grew up and now watching YouTube all day on your computer
  • New OS was installed
  • Youtube and other web sites are taking forever to load

Similar to the previous sign, problems with the Internet could be a sign pointing to a virus or adware affecting the browser. Or it could be a new browser update. Or maybe the system became unstable.

Programs crashing more often

Did you notice that apps getting stuck and eventually crashing? Very often, it’s a sign of malware. Additional reasons for frequent app crashes are the following:

  • Lack of memory (RAM)
  • Lack of disk space
  • Temporary system instability
  • Hardware failure
  • Unusual pop-ups in the browser

This is something we all have seen. You download an app from the Internet and seems like it was a legit software. But little did you know a good app was bundled with bloatware.

Usually, the result is that your default search engine gets changed from Google to Yahoo, the home page changes, and there are additional icons in the browser toolbar. But there could be other issues such as adware.

Adware is trying to redirect you to other sites, not related to what are you searching for. Their goal is direct traffic to certain sites. More traffic, more money they get. So, they litter your screen with pop-up, hoping that you can click and open the site you don’t want.

New files appear or old files disappear

Malware often creates new files with cryptic names. For instance, ransomware encrypts the files on your disk and renames them. However, there could be more innocent explanations.

For instance, if you can’t find a file, it does not necessarily mean that it was deleted by malware or someone who logged in on your computer remotely. Maybe, you just can’t remember that you deleted the file or the folder. In this case, first, check Trash on Mac.

If you still can’t find what you need, check my post about finding any files. I guarantee, if the file is still on your Mac after reading my post, you will be able to locate it.

How To Tell If Mac Was Hacked

First, scan your Mac with an antimalware solution. Next, turn off remote desktop and screen sharing features to make sure that nobody can connect to your Mac remotely. Verify that there are no keyloggers. Finally, eliminate reasons unrelated to hacking: reboot Mac, perform NVRAM/PRAM reset, check if there is enough space on the startup disk. If possible, visit the Apple Genius Bar for advice.

Now, let’s go over all the above in detail.

Scan Mac for viruses

I recently called Apple Support and complained about the slowness of my MacBook Pro. I could’ve solved the problem myself, but I just wanted how much would it cost for Apple to perform diagnostics on a 5-year old MacBook.

Since I don’t have AppleCare for my Mac, I thought that they would charge me something. Spoiler alert: I wasn’t charged for anything.

So, when I called, the first thing the Apple advisor made me do is to install the Malwarebytes app.

While Malwarebytes is a solid recommendation for scanning, it is not the best. In fact, I stopped recommending it to any Mac user after the test I performed myself recently.

I tested a dozen of antimalware product and only one detected 100% of 117 malware samples I intentionally downloaded on my MacBook. So, if you need a recommendation on a good antivirus check it here.

Tighten up access to your Mac

Programs are not the only threat out there. People sometimes can be even more harmful. There are several ways for someone to spy after you.

One is via remote desktop. Maybe you had experience connecting to servers or other Windows machines at work by remote desktop connection. Macs, even MacBooks, also allow such connections.

Also, it is possible to share the screen of your laptop. While it’s a useful feature, if you mean it, it’s not so good if someone’s using it when you are not aware.

And finally, since macOS has UNIX roots, as any UNIX like the operating system, it can be controlled via SSH protocol. Anyone with access can do pretty much anything on your Mac, and you wouldn’t even know.

If all of the above sounds complicated, don’t worry. I wrote a very detailed post on a topic of remote access to your Mac ( All you need is to go over the post and follow the simple steps outlined there.

Mac keyloggers

For a long time, I thought that all keyloggers could do to record keyboard strokes. Imagine my shock when I started working on my post about keyloggers.

Did you know that a new generation of keyloggers can do screenshots every 5 seconds, or record your messages and social media chats? And they can upload the collected information to the cloud.

And the worst part they are freely available for anyone to purchase!

To find out how one can identify a keylogger on Mac I installed 5 most popular apps on my laptop. They completely trashed my system, but luckily I had backups, so I was able to recover my MacBook.

Things to try if no virus found

While you are maybe suspecting something bad happening on your computer, it very well may be a normal condition.

Things to try before starting panicking:


wav mp3 converter download mac Sometimes glitches in software can make the current state of your system unstable. A reboot is still a remedy for many problems. You can either restart or shutdown and start again. The effect will be the same.


Macs historically have a little memory cell where they store some information needed for many Mac peripherals to work. Surprisingly, this area gets corrupt pretty often. Fortunately, there is a very simple fix – reset NVRAM/PRAM and SMC.

Apple has very good instructions on how to perform these tasks.

What they don’t tell is that you have to reset at 2-3 times in a row for a fix to work. I found out this in the school of hard knocks so that you don’t need to.

Clear some space on disk

Lack of space on your startup disk may cause all kinds of issues: app slowdown, app crashes, high CPU usage, and MacBook overheating. Sometimes this may lead you to suspect that your Mac was hacked.

So, first, check how much storage you have left. And if it is not enough, you can either spend money on getting software that helps to clean your disk or read my article on free cleaning tips: How Do I Free Up Disk Space On My Mac Without Software.

New operating system

Apple releases a new version of macOS every year. While they do everything they can to produce quality software, bugs still happen.

For instance, after the recent iOS update on my iPhone, my podcast app starts freezing every time I pause. I still didn’t find why it is happening because I am too lazy busy. /hack-ps-vita-372-mac.html.

In the case of the issue on hand, if you had a recent OS update, take time to investigate if the issues you are noticing are common for the release.

Check for hardware failure

Macs are very dependable, and they can serve for many years. However, any hardware gradually fails. For example, a failing disk causes unexplained app crashes. Failed RAM will prevent the computer from starting.

There is a good article on the Apple web site about running hardware diagnostics. Try and see what it will report.

Visit Apple Genius Bar

If you have an Apple store nearby, definitely check them out. On several occasions, I had to contact them, they helped me for free. If there is a fee for diagnostics, they should tell you upfront, so you can decide if it’s worth it for you or not.

5 Things To Do If Your Mac Was Hacked

So, you did everything I told you, and you found out that either someone spying or if there was malware on your Mac. There are several things you have to do immediately.

Change passwords

I know it could be painful to change all passwords. I have accounts on hundreds of web sites, and there is no way I could remember all of them. Well, this is not what I am suggesting.

You have to change passwords on the most important sites:

  • Your primary email account. The one that is linked to your bank accounts.
  • Bank and credit card accounts
  • Work email password
  • Apple ID and iCloud passwords (note, they are not the same)

If you are using one password for all sites, consider using 1Password utility.

Check bank statements

It never hurts to go over your bank statements (if you have any) once a while. If you notice some suspicious activity, then do a little research. But don’t panic right away if you don’t recognize a charge.

Almost every once, when I check my credit card statements, I see one or more charges which I don’t remember doing. However, after 5 minutes or so, I remember what it was.

Check credit report

Everyone in the U.S. has a right to get a free credit report once a year. Since there are three main agencies, you can get a free report three times a year (one from each agency). Search for “Annual Credit Report” in Google, but be careful to skip some ads and use the legit site.

Turn on Two-Factor Authentication

If you didn’t do this yet, turn on two-factor authentication on main sites: email, any money sites, etc. It’s a little bit inconvenient, but it’s the best way to prevent hackers from stealing your data.

Signs Your Computer Is Hacked

What’s Next?

Signs Mac Is Hacked

I hope I gave you some high-level information you needed in case if you think that your computer was hacked. Now, I suggest to check the articles I mentioned above in the following order, so you know how to deal with the problems outlined:

Signs Your Mac Has Been Hacked

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