Css Hack Mac Safari Only

  1. Css Hack Mac Safari Only Works
  2. Css Hack Mac Safari Only Tickets

Default paragraphs in this page have yellow background. In any of the following test cases a blue background is set with a special (hack) rule. When the background is blue, the hack is applied.
Note: 'All' IE5+/Win, Op6+, Moz, IE5/Mac, Saf

  1. Apr 11, 2014  Mac only CSS hack CSS, Style & Presentation. If you know CSS, you know that the above just seems to good to be true. If you wish to target only Webkit browsers on the Mac (Safari and Chrome), you can couple this tip with webkit’s proprietary media query as follows: @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0.
  2. However you can retain the Safari-only aspect by combining it with the Opera-only rule below. Opera Generally speaking Opera doesn’t require many CSS hack since it’s perhaps the most standards.

IE5/Mac only
/**//*/ selector { property: value; } /**/

All except IE5/Mac
/**/ selector { property: value; } /**/

Troubleshooting some nasty Safari malware Jason Snell's sister ran into a persnickety pop-up asking her to call an 800 number. Instead she called family tech support!

IE6- only
/**/ * html selector { property: value; } /**/

Css Hack Mac Safari Only Works

IE5.5- only
selector { property: value; property: normal-value; }

IE7 standard only
*:first-child+html selector { property: value; }

Css Hack Mac Safari OnlyCss target safari

All except IE6-
html>body selector { property: value; }

IE6+ quirks and IE5 (= all IE/Win quirks) only
* html selector { property /**/: value; }

All except IE6 standards
selector { property /**/: value; }

All except IE5.0
selector { property/**/: value; }

All except IE5.5
selector { property: /**/value; }

Op < 9.5 only
@media all and (min-width: 0px) { html:first-child selector { property: value; } }

/steam-hack-money-mac.html. Safari 3 only
selector:not(:root:root) { property: value; }

Safari only
@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) { selector { property: value; } }

Gecko (1.8+) only
@-moz-document url-prefix() { selector { property: value; } }

Css Hack Mac Safari Only Tickets

Related: CSS browsers separation, some 'advanced' CSS selectors, Old Bad CSS hacks, more CSS hacks for modern browsers. Part of this page in quirks mode, for IE/Win: essential CSS hacks - Quirks. (IE comments bugs.)